
PsyCollage is a Swiss non-profit and apolitical association. It aims to help people who have very little money.



Throughout our association, we promote the provision of healthcare through art therapy and psychotherapy to every person who needs it. Child, adolescent or adult, everyone can benefit from our socially focused and humanistic care.

Giving voice to feelings

Together, we create a space for you to express your feelings and to allow you to make your own internal images visible. Take a moment for your wellbeing and live in full relaxation and peace.


We support you in discovering other angles to look at your current situation. Through integrative therapy, which includes art therapy, we help you to develop your creative and emotional potential in order to increase your chances of social and professional reintegration after an illness or a crisis situation.





Want to support our association?

Please send your donations to: Raiffeisenbank Biel / Bienne,

IBAN CH10 8080 8006 3265 7932 0

Or become a member to follow our activities.



We kindly thank our generous donators.
Thanks to your donations we are able to help the most disadvantaged people.

All financial support is tax-deductible due to our status as an association of public utility. Proof of payment can be sent to you via email upon request.

Contact us

Integrative therapy centres comprising health and therapy professionals, specialising in psycho-oncology and art therapy.

Contact us

Integrative therapy center composed of health professionals & therapists, specialized in psychological accompaniment, art therapy and psycho-oncology.

contact us

Where to find us

(Main office)
Rte St-Barthélemy 15,
1700 Fribourg

Place de la Gare 8,
2502 Bienne